"Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Been reading up on the subject In MacWorld and MacAddict. Both "suggest"
> that Unix "has always more unsecure" than the  Mac Os-9 and lower. One
> reason they suggest is the fact it been optimize for use on the inetrnet
> and because its always been open source. They noted they Apple is
> working to plug up the holes.

1) Mac magazines aren't really the best place to get information
about UNIX. Actually, MacWorld can be pretty inaccurate when
writing about Macs (has there ever been a Mac built that they
didn't think was great, or a business decision by Apple that they
didn't think was brilliant?)

2) UNIX hasn't "always been more unsecure" than MacOS. Most
network security tools are for UNIX. UNIX itself is pretty rock
solid. Most insecurities in "UNIX" are actually insecurities in
server programs (like Apache and Sendmail), and if you don't run
a server you don't have those problems.

3) UNIX hasn't "always been open source". Some versions still
aren't. GNU/Linux is open source, so are FreeBSD, NetBSD, and
OpenBSD--the others are all proprietary.

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