On Sun, Apr 16, 2000 at 10:11:02PM -0700, BBK ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote
> command line:
> lame -v -b 96 -B 320 file.wav 
> but according to the VBR histogram, it's still generating 32kb/sec
> blocks, which
> are undesireable. 
> Is there some kind of bug in the -b directive, or am I not understanding
> things
> correctly? Using version 3.70 of lame.

After trying to remember a previous discussion, and looking at the
code (which I'm pretty unfamiliar with), it looks like lame may still
use 32kbps if it detects "analog silence".  It'll do this if it thinks
there is no energy in a frame, or if the energy is lower than the ATH
(close enough to silence for human hearing).

I don't think there is a way to fix this without changing the code.
For your particular application, if you compile your own code, you can
comment out the "analog_silence=1" lines.  There are 2 occurances in

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