> > 
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Does lame implement side channel starving? If not, I'll volunteer :-)


I coded some stuff last night... Doesn't sound to good, though. I guess I'm
not sprsing the side channel, but the left channel... ouch :-)

Anyway, I'll explain the rationale behind the sparsing:

At high frequencies, humans only decide direction of the sound by the
relative left/right intensity, not by phase difference. So if for some high
frequency the left/right difference is small, the side channel can be
zeroed at that frequency. Something like:

if (S*S < factor*M*M) S = 0;

Of course, the iso docs mangle this to something unreadable with L and R
channel, etc.  But it's equivalent.

Anyone come up with a better formula?



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