> > You first filter and _then_ do the psycho acoustics? That's broken, IMHO.
> The filtering is done before.
> In psychoacoustic, (and also in psychovision) what is more annoying is not
> artifacts themselves, but changes in artefacts. High frequency limit change
> IS an annoying artefact. If the filtering was done after psycho acoustic, it

I second that.

> would mean that the high freq limit could change from a granule to another,
> leading to a kind of high freq fluttering.

Why would it change? You can fix the frequency...

> So I'm quite sure you wouldn't gain 50% in re-using computations.

I think it could be...
...but it's not worth it. I'm not going to code it, anyway.

> This is my opinion, perhaps others could tell us what they think about it.



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