> So both ABR 192 and CBR 192 have the same worst case scenario: many
> frames encoded at around 172kbs.  ABR wins in the best case scenario
> since it will always have extra bits avialable even if the reservoir
> is empty.  

> So I would stick with ABR 192kbs if you are happy with CBR 192kbs.
> But to guarantee every single frame of an ABR encoding is at
> least as good as CBR, you would need to use "--abr 211"
> (192 + 10%)

Wait a second, I don't get this. You just said that both CBR and ABR will do
most frames at 172kbs (if the bit reservoir is heavily used), so didn't you
mean to say "to guarantee every single frame of an ABR encoding is at least
192kbs you would need to use --abr 211"?


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