lame/CODING_STYLE, version 0.001 ;-)
This is the first try of a Coding Style:

* Don't use tabulators (the character with the value '\t') in source code,
  especially these with a width of unequal 8. Lame sources are using
  different sizes for tabulators.

* Don't set the macro NDEBUG in alpha and beta versions.

* If you assume something, check this with an assert().

* Functions should be not longer than 50 lines of code.
  Every function should only do ONE thing, and this should
  be done well.

* Document functions.

* Use spaces in source code. They increase readablity.

* Use self explaining variable names, especially for interfaces.

* Use an intentation of 4. It's a good compromise between the
  2 and the 8.

This is the first try of a Programming Style:

* Don't use single 'short' variables to save storage.
  Short variables are especially on Pentium Class Computer much slower than
  int's. DEC alpha also hates short variables.

  Example:   float bla [1024];
             short i;
             for ( i = 0; i < 1024; i++ )
                bla [i] = i;  

* To store PCM samples, use the type 'sample_t' defined in "lame.h". 
  Currently this is a 'signed short int' and I planed to move this to

* Use the 'size_t' to store sizes of memory objects. Use 'off_t'
  to store file offsets.

* Use the 'const' attribute if you don't intend to change the variable.

* use the 'unsigned' attribute for integer if a negative value makes
  absolutely no sense.

* Use SI base units. Lame mixes Hz, kHz, kbps, bps. This is mess.

        float     wavelength_green = 555.e-9;
        unsigned  data_rate        = 128000;
        float     lowpass_freq     = 12500.;
  Converting between user input and internal representation should be done
  near the user interface, not in the most inner loop of an utility

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frank Klemm
phone | +49 (3641) 64-2721    home: +49 (3641) 390545
sMail | R.-Breitscheid-Str. 43, 07747 Jena, Germany

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