David Bridson wrote:
> > Just read Mr. Maier's email. I would also like to know
> > when stereo recordings started being used. Is there an
> > online source that gives a summary of recording technology history?
> I know that the first film ever released in Stereo was in 1940.
> > Space is not super critical. The mp3s will be put on CDR. Based on what I
> have heard on this list I would like to stick with CBR.
> >
> > What about -h -b 192 -m j --lowpass 16 ?
> >
> > Please note: I do have perfectionist tendencies. :)
> If space is not critical, then either use CDA or CBR 320 :-)

Hudson said "not *super* critical"  :-)

192kbs is large enough given the quality of the original recording.

Moreover, the recording is probably mono, the L/R differences just being "noise". So 
you could safely go with -m m. And in that case 128kbs, or even 96kbs, is large enough.

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