Youri> Would it be possible to use some other switch, like --cwlimit, to achieve
Youri> good quality with --nspsytune on all tonalities? If so, what settings would
Youri> have to be used for it? (i.e. how should I interpret --cwlimit?)

  It is a matter of balance and tradeoffs.
  --nspsytune allocates more bits to sounds with high tonality,
sacrificing sound quality with low tonality. I tuned parameters so that
--nspsytune -V4 produces mp3 files with almost same bitrate in avarage
using wav files on the LAME webpage.
  So, if you want to improve sound quality with low tonality, simply
raise bitrate.

  I think --nspsytune gives better balance of bit allocation with
tonality. This can be tested by comparing sound quality with following

  1. Use lame compiled with Robert's options turned on.
     Command line options are:
       -h (or -q1) -b 96 --resample 44.1 --lowpass 16 -Y -Z -X1

  2. Use lame compiled with default options.
     Command line options are:
       -h (or -q1) -b 96 --resample 44.1 --lowpass 16 --nspsytune

  With these extreme settings, I can hear more artifacts with 1 than 2.

Naoki Shibata   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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