>       client writes                         <ID3v2>
>       client writes dummy                   <VBR header>
>       client asks the encoding engine <-------------------+
>       to encode a chunk to pcm samples                    |
>       and gets back some mp3 frames                       |
>       then client writes                    <MP3 frames>  |
>       client adds                           <ID3v1>
>       client updates                        <VBR header>

>       The only thing the client has to do is keep track of the number
>       of encoded frames. I don't see a problem here. 

client needs to know mp3 header structure, CRC calculation method, and
so on.

That's not elegant, I think.
Takehiro TOMINAGA // may the source be with you!
MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )

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