I was only wondering about the size of the wav's (not the binary contents).

As noted in a parallel reply from Mark, the discrepancy had something to do
with the VBR header being decoded into extraneous samples.

Thank you,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Zia Mazhar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2000 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [MP3 ENCODER] lame 3.87 encode-decode roundtrip

> Hello Liviu,
> Once you encoded the wave into MP3, the originality is lost forever. The
> wave you'll get will have exactly the same quality of the MP3 of "CBR
(-b256 -ms
> -h)" and the second wave will have exactly the same quality of  "VBR
(-V1 -b128
> -mj -q1)". Think about it for some time, and it'll be clear to you why.
> - Zia
> Liviu wrote:
> > Please pardon the question if naive but I couldn't find the answer
> > elsewhere...
> >
> > I encode the same .wav to 2 different .mp3's - first one CBR
(-b256 -ms -h),
> > second one VBR (-V1 -b128 -mj -q1).
> > Then I decode (--decode) the 2 .mp3's back, and the resulting .wav's
> > different sizes, both of them different from the original one.
> >
> > Is this expected behaviour?
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Liviu
> >
> > --
> > MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )
> --
> MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )

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