A little grist for the mill regarding this thread.  from the State DFL Constitution:
Article 1 Section 2. 
Membership.  Membership in this party is open to all Minnesota residents who support the principles of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party of minnesota. No  person may vote on any motion, resolution, nomination or election at any caucus, convention, meetings or conference of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party who is a member of any other political party. 
Dennis Hill
St. Paul DFL'er
Ward 2 - West 7th Street

----- Original Message -----
From: Many Crows
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:18 PM
To: Carol Becker
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Political parties

All of this is all well and good, but it doesn't cut it in the real
world where people
have all sorts of faults and  personal issues. The real constitution
wouldn't sound very pretty, talking about power struggles and clawing
your way to the top of your party and all the necessary tripe. So they
make it sound all rosy. Which is funny because they always accuse the
Green Party of being unrealistic.
The Green Party, though closely associated with the left wing of the
dfl, should assert it's autonomy.
It must practice what it preaches. The key word is practice. I grew up
dfl, and while they are the ones with some weight, I am finding it
harder and harder to accept how they throw that weight around.
The core principles aren't just what we want, but how we want to achieve
those goals, with dignity and respect.
No other party can say that, they would be willing to do just about
anything to achieve their ends.
So as my Mother always said to me "Actions speak louder than words."

Robert Yorga
ne w3

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