I agree, the parties are distinct. I advocate that you are the
competition. And sliding fast.
The post about membership in the dfl is funny since on a national level
the dlc doesn't support what the dfl or at least  what the farmer labor
movement was trying to accomplish in the forties.(imho) They should be
members in some capitalist party, where money is the cause to advance. I
can't speak for the greens, while I am closer to them in the political
spectrum than anyone else, I am not a member. The problem with politics
is the people, the politicians, and the process. The greens will most
likely fall into the same habits as the other parties. What happens when
the people have fundamental problems, internally? Can reform be anything
but in word. Many people use the metaphor of rearranging deck chairs on
This society is the Titanic. We believe we are unsinkable and
unstoppable. We are a nation
without limits, or humility. How long can we go on like this?
While what I am speaking of tears at the envelope of not being a Mpls.
issue,( try as I might, I slip, so please excuse me) it happens here in
so many ways and we all know it. In a world where cultures are mixing
more and more, what is true of the macrocosmos, is also true of the

Robert Yorga,
ne w3
Idealism is the moon we landed on thirty some years ago.
This is what I said in the post,
"The Green Party, though closely associated with the left wing of the
dfl, should assert it's autonomy."
Closely associated, is not a part of, in any way, shape, or form.
I also said it should see itself as seperate.

pps I love commas

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