My understanding is that ANY funds, NRP or otherwise, that come from a 
public source, are subject to public review; whenever and wherever.

>From: North Phillips Press <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Mpls] Open Records
>Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:04:39 -0500
>Ventura Village (the NRP group in North Phillips) is trying to limit
>members' access to its books and records through new bylaw amendments.
>My question for list serv members is this:  as millions of dollars are
>going into neighborhoods through NRP grants, what have neighborhood
>organizations done to make their activities more transparent, so that
>members, residents, etc., can hold the organizations accountable?  What
>kind of access do neighborhood organizations give to members, residents,
>etc., to review expenditures, grant recipients, etc?  For instance, in
>Ventura Village, distributed funds clearly appear to be going
>disproportionately to Ventura Village board members and their family
>members, and a request for full disclosure of all grant funds from
>Ventura Village has been ignored.  Without the level of transparency
>that we associate with government (that is, the ability to determine who
>receives grant funds), members of the neighborhood cannot determine if
>all members are seeing their fair share of  grant funds.
>Gregory Luce
>North Phillips
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