Thanks Nancy for the pro-park in downtown comment. 

We just got out of the Opening General Address where we heard about the 
economy and its impact on city government - I am unhappy to report that as 
you might suspect - it is not a pretty picture. 

The Festival of Lights I reported is really the Festival of Trees - what a 
show! and there are tons of lights besides - quite impressive. 

It's fun watching you all comment on the presidency, etc. I am keeping notes 
and passing them on to DZ. 

Sandy Colvin Roy, Joan Campbell and Sharon Sayles-Belton have joined us in 
Atlanta.  Both Joan and Sharon did tons of work (and are very well 
respected) in this organization and are both in positions on committees.  I 
hear Sharon will be giving a "swan song" on the Human Development committee 
where she worked tirelessly for families and children. Lots of people here 
know Sharon and her work and have been surprised in the reports of the new 
changes in Minneapolis. 

For the moment,
from Atlanta,
Annie Young
Ward 6 - East Phillips
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