Vicky writes:

> As David correctly points out, Minneapolis is even RICHER NOW.

This is not what I said. I noted that using Census figures, Minneapolis has
a smaller share of the state's population than she claimed.

I said nothing about richness, or lack thereof. As Terrell Brown pointed
out, Minneapolis AND St. Paul have 25 percent of the METRO AREA'S
commercial-industrial base...making it very unlikely that Minneapolis alone
has 22 percent of the state's taxable wealth, as Vicky claimed.

> Our proportionate population has declined to 7.8%, while the MARKET VALUE
> of our real estate has GROWN TO $22 BILLION!

This, as my friend Dave used to say, is a nothing-burger. Real estate
generally increases in value no matter your population.

Vicky's original point was that Minneapolis's taxable wealth is a far
greater share of state totals than our slice of the population (she claimed

She has not proven that point with accurate statistics yet, as others such
as Terrell have demonstrated.

And even if we DO have a higher share of the taxable wealth than people
(which I'm not conceding) that doesn't measure "need"  - the number of poor,
older infrastructure, regional amenities than non-residents use but don't
pay for - that are a key, legitimate factor behind Local Government Aid.

David Brauer
King Field

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