Ronald Leurquin wrote:

> I need to vent a bit.  Forgive me. As our fine city debates 
> cutting police, fire, etc. This very morning the worst crimes 
> in Northeast Mpls were people running the ramp meters. How 
> wonderful that I live in such a Utopia. If that's all the force 
> could find for that man to do why don't they put him on another 
> shift where he is needed more. Is it impossible to put these 
> officers to work on worse crimes than running ramp meters?
> Maybe running red lights, even?

If there's one thing that really disturbs me about the Mpls
Police Department it's the lack of traffic enforcement. Even
in a situation when I think I'm pushing it by running the
yellow, I look in my mirror and there's someone behind me
running the red.  Not to mention the stop sign in front of
my house. I'd swear that I'm the only person who actually stops
for it.  This stop sign is infamous! It's been scientifically
recorded that, as I remember, 10% of those running the 
stop do so that speeds over 30 MPH (this is a residential
neighborhood with lots of small children). And, although I often
see University police giving tickets (so much so that I slow
down when driving thru), I almost never see MPP officers giving
tickets anywhere in the city.

Ok, to get to the point...Traffic enforcement is, or should be,
a revenue producer.  If I remember correctly, the fine for 
illegally using diamond lanes is BIG, something like $250 (and
if it's not, it should be.  Let them pay for their
convenience).  The concept is that revenue from traffic tickets
would help to offset budget shortfalls and strict traffic enforcement 
would go a long way towards making Minneapolis a safer place to 
walk, bike, and drive.

My proposal is this: Have the mayor declare a campaign to increase
traffic safety though strict enforcement.  For the first month
have officers give warnings (so there isn't a citizen backlash),
then begin collecting revenue.  I'm almost positive that any
preliminary study will should both quality of life benefits and
increased revenue.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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