I really appreciated Carol Becker and Dyna
Slyter's posts. They reflected much of what bothers
about this appointment. Particularly the comment about
Minneapolitans thinking that people from elsewhere
probably would do better than our own talent. After
all, isn't that how we got Mr. Yonkers, Robert Olson,
in the first place?
     But on top of that, there's one thing that
bothers me about this appointment. Whenever there's an
incident of "alleged" police brutality most local
politicos quickly rush to the mic to say that the VAST
majority of officers are honest and hardworking and
there are only a couple bad apples in the bunch. But
now when there's a vacancy for chief and two well
qualified applicants from within the department, who
know the people, procedures and internal politics of
this department, well they not only aren't good enough
to be chief, they aren't even finalists. Why?
     It's almost like saying, well you are both great
officers, but since you came up from within this
department, you must be tainted or, at the very least,
you won't be as vigilant as someone from the outside. 

Loki Anderson
Marshall Terrace

As through this life you travel
You'll meet some funny men.
Some'll rob you with a six-gun,
And some with a fountain pen.
                         -Woody Guthrie

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