According to Park staff the Annual Board Meeting of the Park Board Commissioners is Friday Jan. 2 at 5pm at the new headquarters 2117 W. River Road. I hope lots of folks can attend.
 There are incredibly talented and dedicated staff members that do really good work.

So here is another one of my wild accusations. The next 18 positions below superintendent are appointed by the superintendent, all the assistant superintendents, the directors of depts., managers, engineers, landscape architects, planners, personnel services representative, Park police chief, finance manager, coordinator of environmental education, ect.
And they all serve "at the pleasure of the Superintendent."
Probably a million to a million and a half dollars worth of the best jobs in the country.

When you pick a Superintendent without an interview process, based on political and social and business connections- i.e., a good old boy network-is this good old boy network the selection process for the next 18 employees in the org. chart?
Scott Vreeland Seward 
Disclaimer: I ran against Commissioner Marie Hauser in 2001. I think Tony Scallon was, and/ or is, her campaign manager

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