Wrong! All retail establishments are licensed public accommodations -
licensed to serve food, beverages of varying alcoholic content (or none) and
music with or with out dancing. Public accommodations is a definition in law
that requires the proprietor to serve all who enter in a safe environment,
free of poisonous food, drink, people - and air. They are NOT required to
accommodate people who hurt other people, even passively, with their
poisonous smoke.

And for gosh-sakes, this is NOT a partisan issue. Cancer, Lung Disease,
Heart Disease and Death know no politics and no party. These are
nondiscriminatory and nonpartisan. They take us all, one or more of them,
eventually. Stop trying to split the ranks by calling this a Democrats'
proposal simply because a Republican didn't think of it. Your kids can die
from other people's smoking just like the rest of ours.

The bar isn't low enough for the public health to be properly served - down,
down you go when you do the Limbo.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul
Former smoker and rabid convert to securing the public health - maybe even
at your expense.

on 5/6/04 11:33 PM, Mike Jensvold wrote:

> Bars and music clubs are private (at best quasi-public) places.  The bar
> (sorry) should be set high for the government to tell private businesses
> and private citizens what to do.
>> or workplace.  Whether I work in a bank or a bar, I
>> shouldn't have to get cancer to keep a job.  Whether I
>> want to meet friends in a coffee shop or a club, I
> Having taken an air pollution engineering class, I offer my opinion that
> incidental exposure just isn't enough of a risk to justify an outright
> ban.  I take the issue of workers exposed to smoke much more
> seriously.  Requiring disclosure of the risks and increasing ventilation
> requirements might be a good compromise to reduce the negative impact on
> public health.  Surely we can come up with something innovative that
> doesn't prohibit people from smoking in bars for gosh-sakes.
> And to democrats wondering where your majorities went:  perhaps it would be
> politically prudent to stop alienating the young and working class by
> focusing on issues like smoking and gun control, and get back to core
> economic issues.
> Mike Jensvold
> East Isles

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