Downtown neighborhoods like Loring Park have the same parking problems
that you describe for Southeast.  If the city were to designate the
neighborhoods around the LRT stations as permit/critical parking zones it
would help the residents but poke the commuters in the eye with a pool

I have lived in this neighborhood for about 4 years, and conclude that the
city of Minneapolis doesn't care much about resident parking or parking in
population dense areas.  About 10 parking spaces were removed for 2 bus
stops where the bus only runs infrequently.  The permit only is enforced
(i use parking enforcement in a very loose way) between 9 am to 4 pm,
while permit parking in tony Kenwood lasts till 8 pm.  The extra hours
would make a big difference, but I don't think that people from the city
care much about the neighborhood residents who have to fight for scarce
parking.  Instead of thinking strategically about critical parking
problems and periodically evaluating the situation by asking the
residents, once the policies are implemented they are then forgotten.
Since the city of Minneapolis is in the parking business, I guess the
staff only sees parking issues with the bias of business owner.

Then there is the cultural issue of parking behavior.  Most people park as
if they were parking on a farm.  No regard of the population density and
the demand for parking space of a crowded city neighborhood.

I'm afraid that the lack of regard for parking in the planning for the LRT
station sites will now pit the neighborhood residents against the
commuters.  Whatever "solution" that is arrived at will be inadequate to
both groups.  The residents will see the commuter's demands as
illegitimate and the commuters will resent the "selfish" residents who
will be seen as territorial and parochial.

But Minneapolis is such a world-class city with all the amenities except a
few like an adequate parking policy.

What a no-win situation.

David Wilson
Loring Park

On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Laura Waterman Wittstock wrote:

> On Monday, August 2, 2004, at 02:55 PM, Jason C Stone wrote:
> > It looks like a pretty glum situation right now, but the city still
> > has an opportunity to make it
> > right.  It doesn't take a genius to recognize that people would like
> > the capability to park near
> > transit stations.
> >
> > --- Gina Palandri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>  However that's not related to my original issue, being;
> >> Minneapolis homeowners are losing their neighborhoods and streets to
> >> LRT
> >> riders.  I am a person who even has a garage, and still see why this
> >> was
> >> a horrible failure on the part of Metro Transit.
> >>
> Southeast Como residents have known for years that their city streets
> are parking lots for UM students who can't buy space or can't afford to
> park in the UM ramps. It's a pain, to be sure. But if the U can't build
> its way out of the need for more parking space, how could the transit
> authority?
> The city streets are public and thus students or commuters are able to
> park there. I'm frequently irritated when I have to park away from my
> house, but I don't mistake the street for my personal property.
> There must be some middle ground here.
> Best,
> Laura
> Southeast and jonesing for speed bumps on my block
> Laura Waterman Wittstock
> MIGIZI Communications, Inc.
> 3123 East Lake Street
> Minneapolis, MN 55406
> 612.721.6631 ext 219
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