Omar Jamal and his wife and children will be paying a
VERY high price for the crimes he committed. It will
deny them U.S. immigration and eventual citizenship.
This situation will throw their immediate future into
chaos for awhile. 

I think it is pretty obvious that gaining immigrant or
citizen status in the United States is now and has
always been very important to many people around the
world. I think when you add to that scenario the fact
that they come from a country that has been destroyed
by tribal infighting, war and rebels the stakes are
that much higher. If you don't gain immigration to the
United States and are forced to go back to or remain
in the war torn country you are trying to leave, it is
unspeakably frightful. In some cases, it means you
will be killed just for trying. Omar is not the first
immigrant to meet this fate.

I have met Omar Jamal a few times. He has done a lot
of good work on behalf of his people and was
instrumental in helping the Whittier neighborhood on
the Elroy issue. I for one owe him a debt of gratitude
for what he did for his people and for this

I think it's very sad that he will pay such a high
price for choices he made when the United States was
in a much different place than it is now. I feel sorry
that he and his family will be deported or worse that
he will be incarcerated here.  It's easy for us who
sit in nice warm toasty houses in one of the
wealthiest countries in the world to condemn Omar for
what he did, but none of us are standing in his shoes.

I also felt badly that Martha Stewart got thrown in
jail. Sometimes good people do bad things. When that
happens they pay the price. I just hope the judge is
merciful and that the sentence truly fits the crime.  

Barb Lickness



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