Hello Fred,

you wrote on Fri, 29 Mar 2024 23:31:28 +0000:

> By the way, there is a new release 5.10.2. with mainly fixes for msetimer

Got it, and works correctly, as far as I use(d) it - which means, works the
same as before for me.
And I proceeded at expanding the PSQLbrowser program, thereby adding the
capability to process fields of the postgres' types "interval" and ""money".
This required modifications to, of course, unit "mpconnection", but also an
addition to "msedb", which does the required formatting. It's probabely not
yet complete, as I haven't yet tested whether modifications of such fields
can work.
And I found a way around a road block I stumbled over in conjunction with
the database program. I DID want to keep separate filter and order settings
for all the tables accessed, but not have changes rewrite the status file
everytime for every minor adjustment. The memory stat file mechanism seemed
to be the right thing to use here, especially as I had used it - well, kind
of - with the "newdialogs" already. But, to no avail - although it was kind
of viable with the dialogs to preset what would be saved, this isn't
possible in the database case, as there's no predefined set of tables used.
Well, there IS a stat file entry written for the memory stat files, named
"savedmemoryfiles", but, as I had already found in the "newdialogs" case,
that is not persistent, any entry not refreshed durin a session gets lost.
It took me qute some time to find a work around this problem, and found
that this might even be an implementation error, as there IS a second user
function for additional modifications of status data, "onstateupdate". But
it runs (ran) in the same context as "onstatread" or "onbstatwrite", so
being not more than a slightly more complex version of these, essentially
useless. Sadly, the "savedmemoryfiles" entry gets deleted during loading
the memory file data just before "onstateread" and "onstateupdate" are
(were) called. This makes it impossible to set up the storage requests
adfterwards, as the value is gone. I had to rearrange the calling sequence
to "onstateupdate", reading the "savedmemoryfiles"' data and followed by
"onstatread" to be able to gain access to the pertinent data to keep the
memory files' contents and provide for their further perpetuation.
I even suspect that this was the intention for that whole mechanism, but it
wasn't finished, perhaps because it wasn't so urgently needed to have been
impairing. Using some simple manipulation of the data accessible that way,
I was able to keep an extensible list of selection data for any number of
database tables, and even could simplyfy the perpetuation of dialog
ancillary data quite a bit.
So I'm going now to provide an intermediate version of my modifications,
including the "newdialogs", though not complete yet, but working, and the
modifications to the database units created up to now soon. I'll give
notice when they will be available, as usual.
(BTW, I hope you don't mind my lengthy ramblings about my doing - I like
to think they could be useful as kind of documentation of what I did.)

Have a nice time!

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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