On 1/27/19 7:11 AM, fredvs wrote:

Like you know, I am volunteer to help (but terrorized by git).

Hello All,

I sent a contact message to gitlab as follows:



The owner of the project at https://gitlab.com/mseide-msegui, set up by Martin Schreiber (msei1) died Nov 29, 2018.

We, the users of this project, want to know how we can get a new owner / developer assigned to this account.

JPlease let us know what we need to do to accomplish this.

Thank you,

Patrick Goupell


I got the following response:


Hello Patrick,

Thank you for reaching out to GitLab.com support. I'm so sorry for your loss and understand this must be a difficult time. We would like to assist in moving your project forward but also need to respect the security and privacy standards we have in place.

While we cannot make account changes without legal intervention in lieu of a request by the account owner, you can however fork the project(s) into a new namespace since they are public. This will be the quickest and easiest way forward.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.


Amanda Rueda
GitLab, Inc.



Was there a message from Martin's family that they had found some login usernames / passwords for the ms projects?

Do we want to fork the project or try some other solution?


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