Hello Sieghard.

Ha, ok, I think I get it now.

In the code of msefiledialogx.pas there are those ifdef:


It is because the msefiledialogx shows the rendered image on the bottom-left if 
you select a image-file in a directory.
If you did not use BGRABimap on your application, the image will be rendered by 
the MSEgui.bitmap.
But only some formats (png, bmp, gif and jpeg) can be rendered.

If your application uses  BGRABimap then it will be a BGRABitmap.bitmap that 
will be used and that covers nearly all the graphic formats that exist.
Also the rendering is faster with BGRABimap.

I have some graphics appliations that uses BGRABitmap and some msefiledialogx 
in it.
At compilation, msefiledialogx will uses BGRABitmap for rendering of the lot of 
format image-files.


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