Hello Fred,

you wrote on Sun, 19 May 2024 22:38:29 +0000:

> Ha, ok, I think I get it now.

on't worry, don't hurry - I've put this aside as a "luxury problem" while
catering to other things.

> In the code of msefiledialogx.pas there are those ifdef:

Yes, I realized that. I DID set the indicated definition for the compiler,
and I even had copied the conditional from the uses clause to my main unit.

> It is because the msefiledialogx shows the rendered image on the
> bottom-left if you select a image-file in a directory. If you did not use
> BGRABimap on your application, the image will be rendered by the
> MSEgui.bitmap. But only some formats (png, bmp, gif and jpeg) can be
> rendered.

I saw the definition of the component, and that it is changed to a
"BGRABitmap" by a compiler conditional. But this has no effect on the .mfm
file, which still references the tbitmapcomp component from msegui. So this
must create an inconsistency, which I even did try to circumvent by a
modified .mfm file and its corresponding _mfm.pas - to no avail, the
compiler STILL complained the same way. Thus, I must still have overlooked
something, but as stated above, I'm not eager to pursue that further right
now, that I'm chasing several effects of the plain "msefiledialogx" unit.
And I found a couple  "interesting" constructs, e.g. "theboolicon",
seemingly a "penetration helper" for the contoller insulation, and in the
same line probabely the use of the "fo.filename.tag" field.
But my main issue is (was?) the loss of the filename history, in contrast
to the simple "msefildialog" without an "x". I'm still chasing the cause...
BTW, I also got stumbled by an effect that seemed to "randomly" delete the
filename value, or not let it be displayed at program start. This seems to
be caused by a construct depending an the filename.tag field that occurs at
several places and simply clears the filname value if it's currently not
showing a directory name, or something like that. After disabling this, the
display seems to act "normally" (i.e. as expected by me).
But I'll return to the BGRA issue when all these glitches are - seem to be
- resolved.

Have a nice time, and have lot of fun!

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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