I've posted SRPMs for the latest mspgcc4 (binutils 2.20 + gcc 4.4.3) and
msp430-libc.  See http://sourceforge.net/projects/mspgcc4/files/

These are based on the current Fedora RPM spec files, but have been updated
for mspgcc4 support.  I have not posted pre-built RPMs for any particular OS
releases, so to use these today you need to have a basic familiarity with
building RPMs from source release.  That's as simple as:

  rpmbuild --rebuild msp430-binutils-2.20-1.r4.20100210.fc12.src.rpm
  rpmbuild --rebuild msp430-gcc-4.4.3-1.r4.20100210.fc12.src.rpm
  rpmbuild --rebuild msp430-libc-20100403-1.fc12.src.rpm

if you have an RPM build area configured.  See google, or (picking randomly)
basic instructions.

These packages incorporate the 20100210 release of mspgcc4, plus a patch to
support hardware multiply on more recent chips that has not yet been
integrated into mspgcc4.  An updated msp430-libc is also included.

If somebody has already done this or something close for Debian support, and
can point me to that, I'd love to be able to add those as well.  In a couple
weeks I'll be set up to provide pre-built rpms and debs for multiple Linux
releases, though I'd prefer to have those hosted by Fedora and Ubuntu rather
than put them on SourceForge.


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