I too use objdump to generate a complete project listing from the elf file.
It has, however, some serious drawbacks. Not only that jumps and calls
are not printed with their symbolic name, also the source code in the listing
is sometimes (often) from a completely different file or from different
lines of the same file. So it is virtually useless.
I guess the problem is related to the fact that I do not compile into
the source folder (but into a /bin subdir) and also compile code from a
common folder.

The .lst ifles directly generated by the compiler with the option
-Wa,-ahlms=$(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(<:.c=.lst)))
is fine. Of course the compiler knows the correct source :)
Yet I use mspgcc 3, not 4.


On 2010-06-30, Diane Gagne <drose.ga...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am in the process of moving from mspgcc 3.2.3 to mspgcc4, but I am having
trouble with the creation of the .lst files.  When my source is compiled
with the 3.2.3 the list files have the C code printed in them along with the
assembly.  Using the same makefile, and compiling with the mspgcc4 the C
code goes away which makes it harder to read.

I realize that objdump will give me close to what I am looking for, but
those files do not have the jumps listed.

Is there a way to get the C code back, maybe a default option changed that I
do not realize?

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