Am 16.11.2010 18:35, schrieb Peter Bigot:
> Two points:
> 1) I propose to change the list management so that email to it from people
> who are not subscribed is immediately bounced (saying that the list requires
> subscription for posting), rather than put into a pending bucket where Chris
> or I have to look at it.  If it's worth our time to read, it's worth the
> sender's time to subscribe so they can see responses.
> 2) Anybody who subscribes from an address that implements a screening filter
> like Boxbe so that mail to the list results in a request to add yourself to
> the recipient's "Guest List" will be summarily unsubscribed.  Maybe I'll
> send an email saying why.  I won't bother to add myself to your guest list
> to tell you that it's happened.  Manage your spam without inconveniencing
> me, thank you very much.
> Comments on either of these?

Both seconded.

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