Hello All,

Compiling a C module ends with this error:

msp430-elf-gcc -I../Io -I../Misc -I../Inc  -I /opt/ti/gcc/include -I
/usr/local/msp430/msp430/include -DSETPLATFORMF1 -c bargraph.c
/tmp/ccuORGPs.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccuORGPs.s:78: Error: instruction bis.a does not exist
I attached the .s file

        MOVA    &lcd+24, R14
        MOV.W   4(R1), R12
        MOV.W   6(R1), R13
        PUSH.W  R13 { PUSH.W    R12 { POPM.A    #1, R12
        BIS.A   R14, R12
        MOV.W   R12, &lcd+24

Note the MOVA and the BIS.A instructions........

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