Hello all,

Our project makes extensive use of infomem and even more 'infomem'
pages taken from the code space.

The first botch is that the linker script does not specify .infomem at all

kees@SEPC002:~/projekten/Collector/clucitf/Hart$ make
/opt/ti/gcc/bin/msp430-elf-gcc -o mymy.elf -g -I /opt/ti/gcc/include
-std=gnu99 -mmcu=msp430f449 -fms-extensions  Dataalloc.o Main.o
Timers.o Subroutines.o Eerom.o Modbusmaster.o Hartserial.o
Hartprocess.o Display.o Displayapp.o Hartunivers.o Hartcompractice.o
Harttransmitspec.o Hartmain.o Harttimers.o Sensors.o Modbusserial.o
Hartconversion.o Hartplatformdep.o  -L/opt/ti/gcc/include -Wl,--cref
mymy.elf section `.text' will not fit in region `ROM'
error: no memory region specified for loadable section `.infomem'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

My question is:
is it possible to use a 'local' copy of the link script, modify it and
reference it in the Makefile?
And how should this local copy be referenced correctly to override the
system default?

best regrads

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