Ugh... Really sorry, hit reply instead of reply list.


Apologies for hijacking this e-mail chain, but I have had issues with
the ``bloat'' in newlib as well. My issue is with internationalization
support in newlib. I have configured and compiled newlib with the
following flags:

  export CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-Os -g -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections"
  ../configure \
    --prefix=/usr \
    --target=msp430-elf \
    --disable-newlib-supplied-syscalls \
    --enable-newlib-reent-small \
    --disable-newlib-fseek-optimization \
    --disable-newlib-wide-orient \
    --enable-newlib-nano-formatted-io \
    --disable-newlib-io-float \
    --enable-newlib-nano-malloc \
    --disable-newlib-unbuf-stream-opt \
    --enable-lite-exit \
    --enable-newlib-global-atexit \

It was my understanding that --disable-nls would disable
internationalization support. Unfortunately, I am observing the
following behaviour with the attached code:

$ msp430-elf-gcc -Os -o uart uart.c -mmcu=msp430g2553
$ size uart
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    778      16      90     884     374 uart

$ msp430-elf-gcc -Os -o uart uart.c -mmcu=msp430g2553 -DUSE_TOUPPER
$ size uart
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
   1476     398      92    1966     7ae uart

The function toupper() is pulling in 382 bytes into .data. This accounts
for 74.6% of this particular microcontroller's SRAM. This is not very
nice. Furthermore, I have not really looked into it, but should this new
data actually be mutable? If not, it could very well go into .rodata and
stay in flash memory.

Ideally, I should be able to disable internationalization support
alltoguether even if it goes against the C and POSIX standards. Is there
any way to actually do that I am missing?

Thank you.


On 03/03/2017 01:30 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> This has come up before, and here's what's going on... the new
> msp430-elf-gcc includes all the code required by the standard, partly
> because... well, standards... and partly so that the testsuite can test
> everything.  The old msp-gcc made lots of assumptions about how the
> compiler would actually be used, and "pre-optimized" the runtime for it.
> So you end up with things like "argv handling" when there's no command
> line, or "exit closes files" when you never exit.  A big change is using
> a float-enabled printf when you don't need it.
> I put some notes here, way back when, but they're old, and IIRC it's
> been improved even more since then:
> Also, you can use "msp430-elf-gcc -mintr ..." to minimize the runtime
> support.
> Also, if you're REALLY constrained to size, you might consider getting
> the crt0.S source file from newlib and modifying it yourself to really
> strip out the parts you don't need.  Most embedded code really only
> needs to set up the stack and watchdog, then jump to main().
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