On 23/09/04 17.38, Matt Kay wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I had a thought today, which I found echoed in this post to the user list:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=5430539&forum_id=12899
> So, why not make a really simple plugin so that you could create a 
> `evolution > remote ICS` pair or even a `IRMC/bluetooth > evolution` 
> pair along with a `IRMC/bluetooth|evolution > remote ICS` pair? The 
> `remote ICS` plugin would hopefully be easy to program since all it 
> would need is for the user to give it $FTPADDR, $FTPUSER, $FTPPASS, 
> $ICS_URL and a few SSL/SFTP options if you were feeling ambitious!

How about even simpler: $DOWNLOAD_CMD $ICS_FILE $UPLOAD_CMD

If a command is empty it is a no-op (e.g. if you have local access to
the filesystem the .ics file needs to end up on, or you only want to
sync one way (possibly put 'rm $ICS_FILE' instead of '' to clear
before/after (depending on direction))). That way the plugin is kept
clean, and any method of moving the file/authenticating to the
server/process the file can be used (I like scp with ssh-agent auth,
someone else might need something neither of us has heard of).



PS: If the commands are defined to read/write stdin/out $ICS_FILE is
    not really needed, but that might be too minimalistic (and a
    temporary file might make it easier (or indeed be unavoidable)).

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