Armin Bauer wrote:

On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 13:02 -0400, Armin Bauer wrote:


as some of you know, the multisync webpage had been defaced due to
improper security settings on a file. The problem is that i dont have a
possibility to set correct permission on the files that allow the
webserver to write to it, but does not allow this to other users.

Maybe its a good time to move the cvs and the webpages away from sf to
our own servers...

Does anyone have access to a machine where we can put our stuff? I think
we dont need too much of bandwidth to keep the webpage and cvs running.

I just received a reply from the to my question if it possible to set it up securely. It is impossible. So i am now making the cms read only so that no one can deface our website again, which kind of defeats the purpose of the cms.

I think after the woes with the public cvs, the slow access and now this
insecurity, we should _really_ move somewhere else.

As the resident list lurker, let me suggest you guys check out It's essentially an offshoot of GNU Savannah. They work at the speed of light when compared to either Savannah or SourceForge. If you request a projcet there, it's usually set up within a couple of hours. is run by FSF Europe. It came about through a schizm which occurred immediately after savannah was compromised about a year ago. I have a couple of projects hosted there, and I have nothing but glowing praise for them.

I encourage you to check them out. You won't be disappointed.

Alex Perez

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