On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 17:42:19 +0100 (MET), Werner Icking

>By private mail we found the solution. It's not a good idea to process
>"foo.mx2" instead of "foo.tex" as 3rd MusiXTeX phase :-)
Oh no, Werner -- now that <sheepish grin> I sent you privately *is* in
a bright red face!

Well, at least you'll be able to spot me in all this snow that's
currently burying the Austrian Alps... :)

>But it's new idea - after so many attempts to run phase 1 only.
<chuckle> Nice to know that my mistakes are at least original...

Anyway, let me try to salvage some shred of credibility here by
reporting that my first attempt at typesetting a score (admittedly a
very simple one) in MusiXTeX has resulted in a .dvi good enough to
print out. All hope may not be lost! :)


"I don't play the clarinet. I speak music."
   ---Giora Feidman (clarinetist with Israel Philharmonic)

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