On 2014-01-20 11:54, David Kastrup wrote:
> > - convert-ly is quite good, but it has a few weak spots. Particularly
> > when handling the huge change in chords prior to version 1.8 (look for
> > 1.7.28 in convert rules), where durations and stuff (dynamics,
> > markups, articulation marks) were no longer put _inside_ chord
> > constructs but immediately after.
> > Sometimes convert-ly may get confused, for example with such things as
> > <a'8^\markup { blabla } _^-| ^> \f  c' e'>
> convert-ly is not cast in stone even regarding prehistoric versions.  If
> you encounter weak spots on a regular basis, it might make sense
> reporting them.  There is no reason for convert-ly 2.19.6 not to be
> better than convert-ly 2.19.5 at converting version 1.7.27 syntax to
> 1.7.28.  _Iff_ it still sees regular action.
Actually, I started working on such an improvement of convert-ly, long 
time ago, since I also have some old scores that need conversion. I'll 
try to see if I manage to get it fully functional.


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