On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 07:24:59AM +0200 or thereabouts, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> John P. Verel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 01 Mar 2000:
> > Now, next project is to be able to
> > "click" on imbeded hyperlinks.  The mutt manual (4.12) refers to an
> > external urlview program.  I'm unclear what the manual means in
> > referring to  macro index....etc.  Have you done this?
> The urlview programs takes any text file and looks for URLs in it.
> (Actually what it looks for can be configured, so you could make it
> do any kind of things, but the default use is to look for URLs...)
> The way this works is to set up urlview, and then create a macro in Mutt
> that will send the contents of the current message to the urlview
> program.  Then in urlview you see all the links and can select any one
> of them.
> Urlview is really rather simple, and I remember having no trouble at all
> setting it up with the documentation that was provided, down to adding
> the relevant macro (ctrl-b) into my .muttrc.

In fact, the way I first met Mutt (as a package on a Red Hat Linux
system that was automatically installed), it was all set up already.
The /etc/Muttrc file (the global one that is everyone's default)
had the macro for ^B in it, urlview was already there, and all I 
had to do was to type ^B whilst reading a message or being at the
index: then urlview starts, gives you a list of the links it finds,
and you use the arrow keys (up/down) to select a link, then hit
return, it prompts you with the url (which you can edit), you
hit return again, and your browser starts. When you finish with
your browser you end back up at the list of urls. To get out, hit

Easier to do than to tyype :)

Oh, the 'macro' thing is: just like rebinding keys, except that
you're binding a sequence of them to one keystroke. Because different
keys sometimes mean different things in different parts of mutt,
you have to define where it works.

macro index means 'this macro works when you're looking at the index
of messages'. macro pager means 'this macro works when you're scrolling
(paging) through an email. macro generic means 'this macro works all
the time, everywhere'. I forget the rest :)

> This isn't true "click on the links as I see them" type of feature.
> That's not really possible with Mutt.  However it's possible with
> xterms, I think there was a program called "dingus" that enabled this.
> (I'm not sure, dingus may have been adapted into gnome-terminal, I
> remember once reading something like that... But could mis-remember
> too.)

Older versions of rxvt. I gather the patch to do it is harder to
apply to newer versions of it. gnome-terminal certainly has it. I
thought it was a ridiculous idea and bloat, and now I use it 
constantly. I can't imagine what I'd do without it :) You need a
gnome-terminal from the gnome-core package version 1.0.52 or later:
the one on the RH 6.1 CD is just too early to include it.

Whether it's worth downloading and installing all the many gnome
packages just to be able to dingus-click on web and ftp links, I'm
not sure... :)


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