On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, [iso-8859-1] René Clerc wrote:

> * Skylar Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [27-12-2001 14:10]:
> | (1) Vim no longer does syntax highlighting. It isn't major, but it did look
> | nice.
> set editor="vim -u ~/.muttvimrc +/^$"

It looks like you're using the code that I posted to this mailing list
recently for better paragraph formatting (I recognize that "set editor"
line). I'm guessing maybe something in my code is causing your syntax
hilighting to be turned off. When you specify "-u ~/.muttvimrc", that
*overrides* your normal vim settings.

> Cool, but you didn't attache the ~/.muttvimrc. You could post that.

Here's what he probably has in his .muttvimrc, assuming he just took what
I posted:

function! PrevPara()
  if !search("^[> ]*$", 'bW')

function! NextPara()
  if !search("^[> ]*$", 'W')
    normal $

set bs=indent,eol,start
set formatoptions=tcqv
set comments=nb:>
set tw=75
set cpo-=<
map { :call PrevPara()<ENTER>
map } :call NextPara()<ENTER>
map <C-J> {gq}j
imap <C-J> <ESC>{gq}j

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