On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 12:40:26PM -0800, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 05:17:27PM +0000, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> > Although the manual doesn't explicitly mention it, regular expressions in
> > mutt seem to be case insensitive. So even although mutt supports
> > [:lower:] and [:upper:], they do not work as expected and end up being
> > equivalent to [:alpha:]. So does anyone know solutions to this,
> > overrides in mutt, or any helpful patches.
> >From the mutt manual:
>   4.1.  Regular Expressions
>   ...
>   The search is case sensitive if the pattern contains at least one
>   upper case letter, and case insensitive otherwise. ....
> So it may be that the pattern must contain at least one literal
> upper-case letter to be case-sensitive and that [:upper:] doesn't count
> for that.  If using [:upper:] doesn't make the search case-sensitive, I
> would say that's a bug.

A flea you mean :)
I agree, [:upper:] should imply case-sensitivity.
Probably an oversight rather than a bug.
Should not be too difficult to change.


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