* Mel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-03 08:28]:
> Can mutt set the envelope to the user's choice
> *at the time of message compose* to an address
> different from the message's "From:"  address?

you can only set or unset the envelope_from variable -
but not set what goes into the header.  this is MTA stuff.

> How is it done?  For starters, I'd probably want to:
>      unset envelope_from
> and maybe comment-out this in my .muttrc:
>     my_hdr From: Mel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               (or not)

make up your mind! ;-)

> Can the envelope be changed *per message* without setting it globally?

  send-hook .         unset envelope_from
  send-hook pattern     set envelope_from

> Doing it by using a non-standard patch to mutt doesn't count.  Setting it
> globally without the ability to change per message is insufficient, and
> having it always copied from the From: header address is also insufficient.

then what, exactly, are the rules for your sufficiency?

> (I know that an "X-Authentication-Warning" will appear --
> that's okay.  I know the only way to change that is to add
> my user to the trusted users section of my sendmail.cf.,
> and that it can't be changed from within mutt.)

well, if you can change the sendmail.cf - then why don't you?

> Those are the basic requirements to make sure that
> can be easily used as the envelope, a la various mailing lists.



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