Jesper Sörensen wrote:
Terry Barnaby wrote:

Jesper Sörensen wrote:

Terry Barnaby wrote:

Could some change to the DVB code have resulted in an MPEG stream that the Via MPEG hardware cannot decode correctly ?

The only thing I can think of is if your hw decoder has problems with multiple parallell streams? In that case the decoder is supposed to pick one stream but I don't know how XvMC works. Could you please post the autopid log msgs from a few recordings so I can see which/how many pids it's recording?

Here is the log output from mythbackend when watching a channel with the gaps and jumps in it. There appear to be two Audio PID's being selected .....

Yes, and it seems to be a XVMC problem since you said it works with XV and software decode?

The bug was previously hidden because the recorder was "limited", but that's not a long term solution. If you haven't already done so, please try and get some logs and more info on what's wrong with XvMC and open a bug for it.

For a quick workaround, you can try activating "hw decoder" for your DVB card. As a side effect (besides using different demux settings) that should limit your recordings to just one audio stream again...

mythtv-dev mailing list

A little aside from this,
Would it be worthwhile adding an option to the DVB system to just record
the main streams (1 video and 1 audio) ? If there were programs transmitted with a lot of language streams you would only probably want to record the first/main one ...

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