Another way to make scaling host  configurations easier is to use the

service -> hostgroup -> host

relationship in your configuration.

 For example, we have one set of  SNMP-based checks that work for the
Net-SNMP SNMp agent, and another set that work with the commercial
SysEdge agent..

So, combining the previous poster's idea with this relationship, we
create a base sysedge-host host template and then add the host
template and all of the Sysedge checks to the sysedge-hosts host

This way hosts can inherit from a single template and get all the
checks associated with that group.

We use this dual template and host group method when we have custom
attributes that we need to add in order for the custom checks to work
.. in cases where you don't have custom attributes like SNMP ports and
community strings etc, you could just create related groups of
services, add them to a host group, then just add new or existing
hosts to the host group through the host group attribute of the host
.. and voila .. done.

- max

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