Thus spake "Christopher L. Morrow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
> > So DOCSIS has a technical limitation which may or may not apply.  This
> > reasonable justification for limiting upstream bandwidth, not for
> > that users can't run servers.  If users can run servers effectively in
> > limited available upstream bandwidth, then there is no _technical_
reason to
> > prevent them.
> how are 'servers' (smtp/web/ftp/imap) different than the existing P2P
> apps? Wouldn't a cable provider, if the decision was based on upstream
> bandwidth sharing alone, care MORE about P2P than 'servers' ?

I don't know how common this is, but my ISP's AUP considers P2P apps to be
"servers" and thus banned.  I don't use file-sharing apps so this doesn't
really affect me, but I'm betting my SIP phone is technically a violation


Stephen Sprunk        "Stupid people surround themselves with smart
CCIE #3723           people.  Smart people surround themselves with
K5SSS         smart people who disagree with them."  --Aaron Sorkin

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