On 12/14/11 18:46 , Jimmy Hess wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Cameron Byrne <cb.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Fyi, I just was rejected from arin for an ipv4 allocation. I demonstrated I
>> own ~100k ipv4 addresses today.
>> My customers use over 10 million bogon / squat space ip addresses today,
>> and I have good attested data on that.
> Wait...  you had started using bogon addresses /  "squatted" space not
> allocated  and claimed
> the number of IP addresses your network is using that were not
> allocated by a RIR
> settles the need justification question?

Anyone who has used their network  in the last decade that actually
bother to look at their assigned ip address knows this.

>> Any suggestions on how to navigate this policy ?
> Work with ARIN to provide a satisfactory need justification for the
> entire allocation you are requesting.
> A mere count of the number of IP addresses you are currently using is
> not a need justification.

The wikipedia page shows something on the order of 34 million customers.
I don't expect they all need an ip at the same time.

> There has to be a technical reason that each IP address is required.
> "I'm making IANA-unsanctioned use of 10^9 bogon IP addresses,  please
> allocate me 10^9 proper IP addresses, so I can  have matching
> allocated IP space with global recognition instead";  just doesn't cut
> it.
> You need to have all the documentation to show the actual justified
> technical need for the IPs you request,  such as what each specific
> address is used for.
> Regards,
> --
> -JH

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