On 15-Dec-11 16:31, Ricky Beam wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Dec 2011 16:36:32 -0500, David Conrad <d...@virtualized.org>
> wrote:
>> ... I had thought new allocations are based on demonstrated need. The
>> fact that addresses are in use would seem to suggest they're needed.
> That depends on how you see their "demontrated need."  The way I look
> at it, if you build your network squatting on someone elses addresses,
> that's a problem of your own making and does not equate to any
> "immediate need" on my (channeling ARIN) part.

However, if they actually have the number of hosts claimed, that
justifies the space they're asking for.  What addresses they're using
today is irrelevant.  ARIN policy only /suggests/ that they use RFC 1918
space; they are allowed to get public space if they want it.

> This is a mess they created for themselves and should have known was
> going to bite them in the ass sooner than later.  Translation: they
> should have started working to resolve this a long time ago. (or never
> done it in the first place.)

Agreed, but what's done is done.  What /should/ have been done is now

> And if I may say, they've demonstrated no need at all for public
> address space.  They simply need to stop using 5/8 as if it were 10/8
> -- i.e. they need more private address space.  They don't need
> *public* IPv4 space for that.  They will need to re-engineer their
> network to handle the addressing overlaps (ala NAT444.)

Presumably, they "need" to renumber out of 5/8 so that their customers
can reach sites legitimately assigned addresses in 5/8.

However, those customers seem to have gotten along okay for years
without public addresses, so why not renumber them into a second
instance of 10/8?  When I was in the consulting world, I had one
customer with eight instances of 10/8, so I know it's doable.

If they want to give every customer a public address, IPv6 provides more
than they could ever possibly use--and ~34M new IPv6 eyeballs would give
the content industry a nice kick in the pants...


Stephen Sprunk         "God does not play dice."  --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723         "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSS        dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

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