And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (S.I.S.I.S.) writes:

The Toronto Star, June 17, 1999 by Theresa Boyle

[S.I.S.I.S. note: Ipperwash is not the correct name for the land concerned;
the name is Aazhoodena Territory, Stoney Point.
  The following mainstream news article may contain biased or distorted
information and may be missing pertinent facts and/or context. It is
provided for reference only.]

The provincial ombudsman has called for a public inquiry into the police
shooting death of native activist Dudley George. "I think there are
questions that anyone concerned about fundamental justice would want
addressed," she said yesterday while delivering her annual report.
Acting-Sergeant Kenneth Deane was convicted of criminal negligence in the
Sept. 6, 1995 shooting of George during a standoff with native protesters
at Ipperwash Provincial Park. He is appealing. Jamieson said she received a
complaint last year about the incident, including "allegations concerning
actions by government officials," but couldn't launch an investigation
because of restrictions in her mandate.

However, on her own, she investigated a separate allegation regarding the
Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat and its conduct in response to the
occupation of Ipperwash Provincial Park by native protesters. "A concern
had been raised publicly in the Legislature and elsewhere that a change in
government policy had been approved by the Interministerial Committee on
Aboriginal Emergencies and that the Native Affairs Secretariat had failed
to follow its established practice of advising the First Nations concerned
of this policy change," she said.

Jamieson has advised the government that she cannot investigate the matter
further because of her limited jurisdiction and that the best recourse
would be a public inquiry. She said her limited probe "raised a number of
serious and complex issues," many of which were beyond the scope of her
authority to investigate. "I saw enough in the look I had... to tell me
there are serious issues that need to be addressed and there is nowhere to
take them, (nobody) to do an inquiry, a hard look, access to information
and make recommendations to put things right," she said.

Jamieson would not elaborate on what she discovered in her investigation.
Premier Mike Harris yesterday lost a legal battle to be excluded from a
lawsuit over George's shooting. The Premier, former attorney-general
Charles Harnick and Solicitor-General Bob Runciman must remain in a
wrongful death lawsuit filed by the George family, Mr. Justice James
Southey of Divisional Court ruled. The decision overjoyed George's brother,
Sam, but a government lawyer said he's exploring other legal avenues.

"Today's decision is really a victory for truth," George's brother Sam
said. "The delaying process that they're putting us through doesn't appear
to be working." Government lawyer Dennis Brown said he isn't sure if the
government will seek to appeal yesterday's decision.

Letters to the Star -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


For more info on the murder of Dudley George:
   contact Pierre George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

...and what about Gustafsen Lake?
For a Gustafsen Inquiry Now!

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed
a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit
research and educational purposes only.

    S.I.S.I.S.   Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty
        P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2


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