And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

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Subj:   Re: Guardian 19990620 (UK) about G8 meeting and GM food warning   
Genetic Engineering considered alongside AIDS!
Date:   6/21/99 11:32:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Betty Martini)
        London Guardian Unlimited
>GM food 'threatens the planet'
>Andy McSmith and Denis Staunton, Cologne and Antony Barnett
>Sunday June 20, 1999
>The world's most powerful leaders yesterday labelled genetically modified 
>food, alongside Aids and the millennium bug, as one of the greatest threats 
>facing the planet.
>In a significant blow to Tony Blair and President Bill Clinton, both men 
>were bounced into agreeing a new global inquiry into the safety of GM foods 
>at the G8 summit in Cologne. Blair and the US President have been two of the 
>strongest supporters of the GM industry.
>Environmentalists welcomed the development as 'significant', but they warned 
>that the public would not be 'duped by international committees interested 
>in rubber-stamping products of biotechnology firms'.
>Tony Juniper, the director of Friends of the Earth, said: 'It shows just how 
>far the thinking in the US and British Governments is from those in other 
>leading nations. If this G8 initiative is to have any credibility, there 
>must now be a five-year freeze on all GM food used commercially.'
>Monsanto, the US firm behind GM crops, also welcomed the move, saying it 
>hoped it would speed up international approval of their products. Washington 
>and Brussels are at loggerheads over GM technology, with the US threatening 
>an all-out trade war if Europe tries to ban GM food.
>Yesterday the German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroder - supporting an initiative 
>of French President Jacques Chirac - used his position as head of the host 
>nation to put GM foods on the agenda of the G8 summit. The matter was 
>included under 'global threats' along with Aids and the millennium bug. This 
>Franco-German alliance symbolises the growing opposition on the Continent to 
>the new technology.
>Two technical committees of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and 
>Development will now begin to collate information from around the world to 
>ensure that every country has access to the best research on the effects of 
>genetic modification. Afterwards British officials defended the decision, 
>saying that Britain also believes that 'food standards and food safety are 
>vital to communities'.
>Ministers argue they will not give permission for commercial release of such 
>crops until the trial results show these are safe. But environmental 
>campaigners still believe that potential risks to human health have not been 
>properly evaluated and are concerned that GM seeds can cross-pollinate into 
>the countryside, destroying wild habitats.
>Opposition to genetically modified food is also beginning to grow in the US, 
>where some 70 million acres of modified soya beans, tomatos, wheat and 
>cotton are now grown across the country.
>This unexpected setback at the G8 summit took some of the shine off a 
>personal success for Tony Blair, who persuaded the other G8 leaders to agree 
>measures to improve teacher training worldwide.
>It was the first time that G8 had included education as a topic at any of 
>their summits.
>• Denis Staunton is Berlin Correspondent of The Irish Times
>© Copyright Guardian Media Group plc. 1999
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