And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

via Martha
Sender: "Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news" 
>>From: Wendee Holtcamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: "Teaming with Wildlife" Bill
>>I discovered an interesting Congressional bill that will affect all of us
>>who care about and study wildlife.  If you're so inclined, I hope you'll
>>write your Senators and Reps (and state governors since it affects them too)
>>about it and also become more informed about the bill. (URLs below)
>>The Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 1999 (HR 701, S 25) would provide
>>states with a continuous source of federal funds for non-game conservation
>>and research. The revenue would come from redirecting 50% of the revenue
>>from offshore oil and gas drilling leases that currently goes to the federal
>>treasury to the states. In some states it would increase funds for non-game
>>species from the $thousands the state generates to $millions. The funds
>>would go to three things: Title I: Coastal Impact Assistance; Title II:
>>Land-Based recreation; Title III: Wildlife Conservation and Restoration. The
>>Title III is similar to a previous bill that was known as "Teaming with
>>Wildlife" that would have brought funds from taxes to outdoor rec equipment.
>>(Similar to Dingell-Johnson, Pittman-Robertson).
>>According to a quote on the Teaming for Wildlife web site "We continue to
>>urge members of Congress to modify the language to ensure that nongame
>>wildlife conservation aimed at preventing species from becoming
>>threatened and endangered will be the focus of this new fund. No, the new
>>subaccount will not be limited to birds and mammals, but will be available
>>to benefit a wide array of fish and wildlife including reptiles, amphibians
>>and invertebrates."
>>The Teaming with Wildlife web site is at:
>>It has an excellent background of the bill, supporters, timeline in Congress
>>They recommend contacting your state governor, and a list of their addresses
>>and emails is at: and key members of
>>Congress and your Reps who can be found at
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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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