And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 18:13:17 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ostrovsky)
Subject: URGENT

>From: Stephen Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: URGENT
>Outraged by the use of a Native American as the symbol/mascot of the
>University of Illinois athletic programs, members of SSILA have planned a
>protest rally and media conference for:
>Tuesday,  July 13, 1999, 10 AM
>UIUC Foreign Languages Building, 707 S. Mathews, Main Floor, Institute Office
>SSILA, the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the
>Americas, held their annual meeting on the University of Illinois
>Champaign-Urbana campus, July 10-11.  The membership of SSILA are
>linguists and other scholars, actively engaged in research on the
>indigenous languages of North, Central, and South America. Many  members
>have also been engaged in a six week International Linguistics Summer
>Institute on the UIUC Campus.   Upon learning about the University of
>Illinois use os a Native American as its athletic symbol/mascot, several
>members of SSILA packed up and left the meeting as they did not want to
>have any further association with the University.  At their annual
>business meeting, the membership of SSILA unanimously passed the following
>resolution and forwarded it to the University's administration.
>The following resolution was adopted unanimously by the Society for the
>Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA) at its business
>meeting at the SSILA Conference held at the University of Illinois,
>Urbana-Champaign, on July 9-10, 1999:
>     We, the members of the Society for the Study of the
>     Indigenous Languages of the Americas, urge the administration
>     and trustees of the University of Illinois to replace their
>     `Chief Illiniwek' symbol with one that does not promote
>     inaccurate, anachronistic, and damaging stereotypes of Native
>     American people, or indeed members of any minority group.
>The `Chief Illiniwek' issue has already had a negative impact on this
>summer's Linguistic Institute, which is co-sponsored by the Linguistic
>Society of America and the University of Illinois.  After learning about
>this issue, one student left the Institute
>immediately, and several others said that they would not have come to this
>university if they had known in advance about the university's`chief'
>symbol.  This is just one indication that this issue is damaging the
>University of Illinois's reputation as a leading
>educational institution.
>SSILA will not return to the University of Illinois campus as long as this
>symbol exists, and we will urge our professional organizations, beginning
>with the Linguistic Society of America andthe American Anthropological
>Association, to join us in this resolve.  Given that the University of
>Illinois is an official state institution, we will also encourage our
>professional organizations not to schedule future conferences in the state
>of Illinois.
>Sarah G. Thomason
>Professor of Linguistics
>University of Michigan
>and Vice President/President Elect,
>SSILA, for the Society
> Stephen J. Kaufman, Ph.D.
>University of Illinois
>Department of Cell & Structural Biology
>B107 Chemistry and Life Sciences Laboratory
>601 South Goodwin Avenue
>Urbana, IL 61801

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                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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