And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kathy Kern, Rochester, NY)

August 6, 1999
CHIAPAS: Peacemaker Delegation Arrives in Chiapas

  A Christian Peacemaker Teams delegation comprised of four North Americans
arrived in San Cristobal de las Casas on
Monday, August 2.  The group is in Chiapas to learn about the systemic and
social roots of oppression and to support the nonviolent indigenous struggle
for justice.

This week, the delegation will be traveling to the community of Acteal,
where 45 unarmed Tzotzil indigenous people were massacred on December 22,
1997.  In Acteal and the neighboring communities of Polh  and Majomut, the
group intends to visit people on different sides in the conflict, and attend
a farewell celebration for Bishop Samuel Ruiz, who retires in November.

The delegation will meet with representatives of different non-governmental
organizations to explore the background and present reality of violence in
Chiapas.  The violence has roots dating back to the Spanish invasion of
Mayan lands in the mid-1500s.  Since that time, indigenous Mayans have faced
relentless racism, slavery, attacks, and theft of land.  The Mexican
government, through military and aligned paramilitary groups, is waging a
"dirty war" against the Zapatista-led movement for justice, resulting in
many civilian deaths and thousands of refugees, with training and support
from the U.S. military.

The Zapatista rebellion has taken on global implications as a movement
against globalization (and specifically against NAFTA).  People in Chiapas
are standing up for their communities and their culture and rejecting an
economic model that values capital and profit over people.  In an interview
with the delegation, a refugee and leader of the nonviolent Abejas (Bees)
organization stated, "The struggle we have is not only for Chiapas not only
for Mexico but for the world."

Delegation members include Nelda Nelson-Eaton (Chicago, IL); Paul Neufeld
Weaver (Worthington, MN); Drane Reynolds (Homestead, FL); and Chris
Schweitzer (Philadelphia, PA).

CPT has maintained an ongoing presence in Chiapas, Mexico, since June 1998.
Current team members include Matt Guynn (Richmond, IN); Anne Herman
(Binghamton, NY); Esther Ho (Hayward, CA); William Payne (Toronto, ON); and
Pierre Shantz (Elmira, PQ).

Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative among Mennonite and Church of
the Brethren congregations and Friends Meetings that supports violence
reduction efforts around the world.  CPT has maintained a presence in
Chiapas, Mexico, since June 1998. E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / Contact CPT, POB
6508 Chicago, IL 60680, TEL 312-455-1199 FAX 312-666-2677  / To receive news
or discussion of CPT issues by e-mail, fill out the form found on our WEB
page at 
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of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
            UPDATES: CAMP JUSTICE    

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