> My first question is where this localhost comes from?

I would think, this comes from your configuration file and/of from the request.

If one starts e.g. with the sample configuration file nsd-config.tcl, one sees entries like:

    [29/Jan/2023:16:35:24][54720.100490580][-main:default-] Notice: nssock:0: adding 
virtual host entry for host <localhost:8080> location:http://localhost:8080  
mapped to server: default ctx 0x0
    [29/Jan/2023:16:35:24][54720.100490580][-main:default-] Notice: nssock:0: adding 
virtual host entry for host <MacBook-Pro-6.local:8080> 
location:http://MacBook-Pro-6.local:8080  mapped to server: default ctx 0x0

These log-entries are coming e.g. from the following section

    ns_section ns/module/nssock/servers {
        ns_param default    localhost
        ns_param default    [ns_info hostname]

from the configuration file that define the mapping of hostnames for the "default" server. When there are incoming requests following HTTP/1.1, these come with a "Host:" header field, which might be in your case as well "localhost".

> When I try to run ns_conn location in nsshell it gives me error bad_option "location".

This is a know limitation (see first line of "Current shortcomings" on

The reason for this is that nsshell communicates with a "kernel" thread in the background that keeps the state of your nsshell session (e.g. to be able to obtain the variable value for later requests, if one types "set x 1" in nsshell). Since this kernel runs in the background, it is no connection thread, and has no connection information available.

Theoretically, one could stretch the limits of nsshell further, but it is quite hard to make the background job look completely like the a connection thread.

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